Marts 2023
Digitalisation for Sector-Coupling and the Future Weather-Driven Energy System. Foredrag ved DaCES' expert group on System Integration.
Henrik Madsen, professor, DTU
AI Testing and Experimental Facility for the Smart Communities. Foredrag ved ATV - Executive AI Network
Martin Brynskov, Rasmus Reeh, Henrik Madsen, Razgar Ebrahimy - DTU Compute
Februar 2023
Digitalisation for the Future Weather-Driven Energy System. Invited Talk ved Centre for Net Zero (CNZ) i London
Henrik Madsen, professor, DTU
Use of Smart Meter Data for Smart Grid Solutions. Invited Talk ved EU DG CONNECT Workshop: Edge Computing - Energy management and smart grids - Opportunities for the EU.
Henrik Madsen, Razgar Ebrahimy, Mohsen Banaei - DTU Compute
Januar 2023
Data-Driven LDT Models for Accelerating the Green Transition. Invited Talk ved EU Meeting on Local Digital Twins (3rd meeting of SF-SSCC)
Henrik Madsen, Razgar Ebrahimy, Peder Bacher - DTU Compute
EERA JP ESI Workshop on Digitalisation and Energy Data Spaces. Workshop ved EERA JP Energy Systems Integration Workshop on Digitalization and Markets
Henrik Madsen - DTU Compute
November 2022
Flexibility, the Smart-Energy OS, and Dynamic Tariffs - A Path for Efficient Flexibility Management at the Edge. Talk ved Nordic Network Regulation Group, Meeting
Henrik Madsen - DTU Compute
Oktober 2022
Foredrag om digitalisering af fremtidens smarte energisystemer, holdt ved Digital Tech Summit. 'Digitalisation for the future weather-driven energy system'
Tobias K. S. Ritschel & Henrik Madsen
Methods and Models for Efficient Large-scale Wind and Solar Integration. Invited Talk ved Department of Energy (DOE), Seminar on Large-Scale Integration of Wind and Solar Power
Henrik Madsen - DTU Compute
August 2022
'Data-driven methods for the Future Weather-driven Smart Energy Systems.Invited Talk ved 85th Polytechnical University, Hong Kong, RISE Lecture.
Henrik Madsen, Professor DTU
Juni 2022
Data Integration - A Path for More Flexibility Management at the Edge. Talk at EU IoT Week 2022, Data Spaces: Common data models for Energy, Home, and Mobility
Henrik Madsen - DTU Compute
Digitalization of Energy Systems for Large-scale Integration. Talk ved US-DK Research Seminar: Large-Scale System Integration
Henrik Madsen - DTU Compute
Maj 2022
A Control-Oriented Framework for the Future Weather-Driven Energy System. EERA JP Energy Systems Integration, Spring Workshop
Henrik Madsen - DTU Compute
Efficient Implementation of Weather-Driven Energy Systems. Workshop, Total Energies & DTU
Henrik Madsen - DTU Compute
Marts 2022
Foredrag omhandlende fleksibilitet i vandsektoren. 'Energy Smart Water'
Henrik Madsen, Professor DTU
Unlocking End-user Flexibility. ESIG Spring Workshop, Texas
Henrik Madsen - DTU Compute
Februar 2022
Digitalisation and Data Spaces for the Future Weather-Driven Energy System - Experience from Center Denmark. EU Workshop: Best Practice for Energy Data Sharing
Henrik Madsen - DTU Compute
Digitalisation for the Future Weather-driven Energy System. Talk at Copenhagen Municipality, Digitalization of the Energy and Water Sector
Henrik Madsen - DTU Compute
September 2021
Foredrag fra DTU om 'Challenges in achieving an efficient implementation of the future low-carbon society'
Henrik Madsen, Professor DTU
Juli 2021
Foredrag fra DTU om FED projektet ifm. IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting
Henrik Madsen, Professor DTU
Juni 2021
Foredrag fra DTU: Integration talk 'US-DK Webinar on Large Scale Integration of Renewable Power'
Henrik Madsen, Professor DTU
Februar 2021
Foredrag fra DTU for Berkeley Labs "Aktivering af effektivitet i den grønne omstilling"
Henrik Madsen, Professor DTU
Oktober 2020
Foredrag fra et USA-DK webinar arrangeret af Innovation Centre Denmark, Boston, USA i samarbejde med DTU "Vind integration"
Henrik Madsen, Professor DTU
September 2020
Foredrag fra AAU og Flexshape: "Lokal fleksibilitet"
Torben Bach Pedersen, Profesor AAU
Foredrag fra Dansk Energi / intelligent Energi "Digitalisering og Labs for Smart Energi"
Henrik Madsen, Professor DTU
Foredrag fra Energi- og forsyningspolitisk Netværk: "Fremtiden er fleksibel"
Henrik Madsen, Professor DTU
August 2020
Foredrag fra PMAPS 2020: "Probabilistic Forecasting for System Operators
in a Low-Carbon Society"
Henrik Madsen, Professor DTU
Maj 2020
Foredrag fra Flexshape: Software tools for smart energy communities and system operators
Laurynas Siksnys, Flexshape
Foredrag fra IEA Wind Digitalization: 2nd General Meeting (Virtual)
Henrik Madsen, Professor DTU
April 2020
Foredrag fra Mission Innovation Austria workshop.
Torben Bach Pedersen, Professor AAU
Marts 2020
Foredrag fra Energy Transition Week Trondheim, Virtual Workshop
Henrik Madsen, Professor DTU
Februar 2020
Foredrag fra TU Delft Urban Energy konference "Give brains to buildings"
Henrik Madsen, Professor DTU
Januar 2020
Foredrag fra The First International Conference on Energy and AI | ICEAI, Kina
Henrik Madsen, Professor DTU
Foredrag fra ERGO-EME Seminar, Mathematics, University of Edinburgh
Henrik Madsen, Professor DTU