Published 22. Jun. 2021
About the Living Lab:
The indoor climate of two schools will be closely monitored through indoor climate meters in all the schools’ classrooms. In general, certain premises are heavily burdened by temperature fluctuations and high CO2 levels. Most rooms have problems at peak times and at extreme temperatures outside. Only a small number of the premises are working optimally. Many of the problems are due to the gradual expansion of the school, ventilation systems, building style and older windows.
Progress so far:
The Høje Taastrup Kommune Living Lab is divided into two test areas: Parkskolen and Borgerskolen. Common for both test areas is that the focus of the year 2020 was to establish a customized setup in the schools and to establish the data transfer to Center Denmark.
The FED-partner Neogrid has started the establishment of a suitable CTS-setup at Parkskolen and getting the mixing loop in order.
The work regarding the test area at Borgerskolen started in Q4 2020. DTU Compute has set up and tested connections to sensors (temperature, CO2 etc. in classrooms, BEMS with measurements from heating systems etc.) and actuators (thermostats on radiators). After finally getting everything connected and tested, DTU has started experiments at the school. Due to the COVID19 lockdown, DTU has been able to keep the experiments running for a longer time, and the control algorithms based on the data and experience gathered during the experiments have been developed iteratively.
In addition, a feedback app has been developed to receive user input to enable fine-tuning of the predictive model control algorithms in place, as the temperature, humidity and air quality can differ from one classroom to another.
Data transfer from Borgerskolen to Center Denmark has been established. Neogrid, DTU Compute and Center Denmark have been working on the establishment in spring 2021, and it is expected that data transfer from Parkskolen will establish a connection as soon as the equipment is in place.
Høje Taastrup Kommune
Borgerskolen: Magdavænget 4, 2630 Taastrup
Fløng skole: Fløng Byvej 24, 2640 Hedehusene
Contact: Morten Koed Rasmussen
Phone: +45 43 59 12 23